Integral Meditation

"It is one of the first forms of meditation to combine the processes of growth and awakening in a unified practice. Throughout the history of humanity, in fact, we have always practiced either one or the other, growth or awakening, never both together. The integrated approach is in fact capable of offering the best of both dimensions of human development: psychological growth and spiritual awakening, thus becoming a full-spectrum mindfulness practice."

Ken Wilber


is the necessary pause in order to integrate course contents. Cultivating a state of mental quietness capable to recognize the importance of thinking and at the same time the illusory nature of thoughts is an essential prerequisite for going "beyond what we know".

Meditative practices are to be found in all cultures and all times, mainly in the religious and spiritual fields of research. Today they are also spreading in the psychological and educational fields.

The benefits of meditation are being recognized in constantly growing fields of people's lives. Among other things, meditation allows to improve memory and the mental clarity necessary for study, sport and work through the ability of self-regulating mental activity, developing compassion and cultivating the spirit.

Meditative Silence

We tend to fill our days as much as possible although calming the mind is just as important as keeping it active. Even when we have our lapses of inactivity, we tend to watch television rather then just sit down and let our mind relax.

Finding our own meditation and taking a few minutes for us each day, are ways to calm the swirl of thoughts constantly in our head and feel reinvigorated. Any of our daily activities can be an opportunity for a moment of meditation: for instance washing the dishes carefully, slowing down gestures (but not too much) and paying attention to every movement we make.

Empathic Observation is a practice that helps us dissolve nervousness, irritation and misunderstandings that arise in everyday life. It absolutely does not claim to replace deeper work, but it is certainly useful for developing empathy.